Saturday, October 3, 2009

Diversionary Tactics

Unpacking is tedious, wit-dulling work. Any distraction is welcome which explains why I spent Wednesday morning and Thursday evening clicking and clacking with the knitting ladies at Starbucks. I led an ill-fated excursion to Kamakura where I spied an interesting version of the Pillsbury Doughboy (above) which cheered me up immensely after the devastating discovery that Swany's fabric store has pretty much vanished into thin air.

A torrential downpour today did not stop me from taking my virgin voyage out the gate with Mimi riding shotgun. She navigated me to D2, a Target-like store, where I invested in wastebaskets for all the junk I intend to throw away and flowers I mean to stick in pots in front of the house to distract passersby from noticing the deplorable state of the lawn.
Mike, meanwhile, touched down in Sydney, Australia a few days ago but hasn't had a chance to do any sightseeing, bike riding, or combination thereof due to all the natural disasters in the Western Pacific of late.
The Red Devils will be playing an Okinawa team late this afternoon. Rumor has it the Okinawa team is not having a good season so I'm hoping our boys will be able to pull this one off.

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