Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hail, Hail, The Gang's Half Here

The Ancient Mariner was home for all of two weeks before zipping off to Korea.  You are just going to have to trust me on this.  There is no proof that he actually exists because I forgot to swap camera cards with him before he rescued four pairs of shoes and every possible permutation of U.S. Navy uniform from a very large suitcase and repacked them into two smaller bags on his way to the airport.  He plans to return to Japan about ten minutes after I stop fuming about those two new suitcases.

It's hard to sustain a fruitful fume in the face of all the happy reunions I've been enjoying this week.  Many of my friends have returned to Japan and have hit the ground running.  Two cast members will not be returning to Japan so we don't know yet whether we'll have a chance to perform Steel Magnolias before our director moves to California this summer, but I think I'd better crack open that script and re-learn my lines just in case.  The Knit Wits instituted a second evening session this week so now I get to pound my opinions into younger heads six hours a week rather than three.

In short, except for those two suitcases, life is pretty darn good right now.   


  1. Those two very inexpensive suitcases are just right for all the articles I intend to procure in Korea.

  2. Ha! I know you would not think of leaving those lovely combat boots behind.



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