Monday, June 20, 2011

Taxes and Decals: Contrasting Bureaucracies

The Ancient Mariner and I went on a field trip to the Prefectural Taxation Office today to pay our annual road tax. In years past we paid our road tax on base like most other Americans here, but the base in its infinite wisdom won't be accepting road taxes until the day after most of the ships, including the USS Blue Ridge, deploy.  One could almost get the impression that the base has forgotten that "serving the fleet" is its primary mission if there weren't so many t-shirts emblazoned with that slogan for sale in the Navy Exchange.

But I'm not going to grouse (much) about the cluelessness of the base schedulers because -- why were surprised? -- paying our taxes at the Prefectural Taxation Office was such a pleasant experience we almost wish we'd be here long enough to have to pay road taxes again.

The tax office is located about eight blocks from the base, a walkable distance but rain was in the offing so we decided to drive.  We didn't have to pay to park in the lot next to the office and there were plenty of empty parking spots from which to choose. 
A sign in the lobby directed us to counter #2. "This is a lot nicer than having three unsmiling sailors snarl you into line." "I agree."

"There's another sign reminding us we want counter #2."
"I can see it from here. It's exactly where the diagram said it would be."
"I like how each counter has a number suspended over it."
"In case we forget which counter we want, there's a line drawn between the words 'road tax' on the floor and counter #2."
"I like how the pretty clerk greeted us with a smile and handed us a laminated sheet that tells us how to complete the five blocks on the tax form."
"Well, that was easy.  Now what?"
"Now we have to visit the Vehicle Registration Office on base to get a new decal for our car."

"Either half the clerks didn't show up for work today or they are taking a very long lunch break."
"Could this aisle be any narrower? Or the floor any dirtier?"
"Shhh. I think someone just whispered 'next'."
"Try not to kick or trip over the little girl playing on the dirty floor."

"Why did you include this picture?"
"Because our topic today is automobiles and I've never seen that's model before."
"That's model?"
"That's what it says."

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