Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Dentist, a Priest, and a Doctor Walked into the Officers' Club . . .

...and we wished them Happy Father's Day then let them pay for brunch. How nice of us.

Remind me next year that the Ancient Mariner is owed a Father's Day with all the works: breakfast in bed (he can slide back under the covers after he starts the coffee), new tie, and back massage. This year's celebration was about as joyous as a funeral lunch in a church basement.

Mimi and her family are moving to North Carolina in a few weeks, Father Sal will depart Japan on their heels, and three days from now the Ancient Mariner will be back at sea for the duration of the summer. The air-conditioning doesn't work in the room on the ship where he works and sleeps. It hasn't worked for almost two years now. The thought of crossing the equator fills him with dread rather than delight these days.  One of his Father's Day gifts was an ice gel pad that he'll stow in a refrigerator during the day and spread on his bed at night.  Let's hope it works both for his sake and the sake of his co-workers.  Hot is not the Ancient Mariner's favorite body temperature.

Mimi was quite the fashion plate today. If I'm not mistaken, that jacket was a kimono in a former life. I'm pretty sure I need one of those.


  1. For the record, although I prefer my sake cold, neither I nor my co-workers keep any of the delectable rice wine on board.

  2. Funny. But how well do you really know your co-workers?

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