Friday, March 18, 2011


Flailex is military jargon roughly translating to "exercise in flailing; walking in continuous circles."

The schools are closing here so most of my friends with school-age children are leaving Japan-yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  For the most part, they are taking commercial airlines and not planning to participate in the "voluntary evacuation" you might be hearing about on the media.  Flying commercial will be less stressful on their pets, their children, and their own psyches. 

About 24 hours ago we were told that instructions would be issued when and if a voluntary evacuation is announced.  A lot of instructions are flying around but a voluntary evacuation has not been announced.

My children are safe in the United States so I do not feel compelled to get in line "when and if" that voluntary evacuation is announced.  This afternoon I will be driving my friend and her sons to Haneda Airport.

It's a beautiful day here in Japan.  A difficult day for many dear, dear friends who do not want to leave Japan but cannot let their amazing children go uneducated.  My hearts go out to them.  Please keep them in their prayers, along with all those Japanese people shivering in the shelters in the disaster area.


  1. I would come and stay there with you if I could. You are a true Navy Wife!

  2. I know you would, JoAnn. If we can just get these kids out of here and back into school somewhere, I can confront all those half-finished projects I've been accumulating. There's a cross-stitch my mother half-finished before her stroke in 1998 that I have always wanted to finish for her.

  3. Hi Peevish, sounds like your doing just fine after the mess over there, very glad to hear that. It must have something to do with the Crippen blood that seeps through your veins.

    you must have the legs of your shelter well polished by now, hope theres no waxy build up.

    Thinking of you,
    cousin Bill

  4. Hey, Billy B! Good to hear from you. Our mutual Crippen blood is serving me well indeed. No progress on those table legs, alas. Those aftershocks are starting to feel almost normal to me.



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