Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The National Art Center in Roppongi

When Takako mentioned that her Yorkshire landscape painting, the one I saw in Yokohama back in January, would be on display at the National Art Center in Tokyo, I started checking train schedules. How could I not witness this major milestone in my Shonan friend's life? Will I ever again have a friend who paints at all let alone paints well enough to have her work exhibited at a national art museum? Unless one of you is keeping a big secret from me, I sincerely doubt it.

The National Art Center is in Roppongi, just a block from the newish Tokyo Midtown Tower where we exited the subway. I made careful note of the directions in case Dan and the Blonde Wonders feel like checking out the Musee D'Orsay exhibit that's scheduled during their visit.

Takako's painting was in the next to last gallery of an exhibit spread over 27 galleries. Mimi's stomach started growling somewhere between Gallery 12 and Gallery 13 so we picked up our pace, posed in front of Takako's painting, and sprinted back to Midtown Tower for a delicious lunch at an Italian restaurant.

That's Takako, Yuko, Elizabeth, "Neo", and Mimi.


  1. I think Mimi and I have similar stomachs. Fine art is best appreciated on full stomach.

  2. Apparently you will be returning from this deployment a changed man as heretofore what you best appreciated on a full stomach was a nap.

  3. I am SO impressed!! And do NOT miss the Musee D'Orsay showing! 8^)



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