Sunday, April 4, 2010

Catholic Boy Explores Shinto Traditions on Easter Sunday

Matt barely glanced at his Easter basket this morning before heading to Kawasaki with his pals to celebrate Easter Sunday at the Kanamara Matsuri Festival, also known as the Festival of the Iron (or Steel) Penis. "Buy me some of that candy and get some pictures of those vegetables carved in the shape of a you-know-what," his mother requested, peering over a Mt. Fuji of laundry to toss a camera and fistful of yen in his direction.

Surely he will not return home with pictures of candy and a sack full of radishes. His mother frets about this as she fishes another Reese's Peanut Butter cup from that Easter basket.

Parental Advisory: Use discretion in clicking on this link to the official Kanamara Matsuri website (in Japanese) if there is a child under the age of 16 anywhere in your vicinity.


  1. REALLY hard to believe that it's NOT the thing to even hold hands in public in Japan. VERY odd indeed. But funny nonetheless.....

  2. This is kind of a funny way to spend Easter Sunday!



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