Thursday, May 20, 2010

Shomyoji through Maeve's Eyes

The cherry trees were in bloom the first time I visited Shomyo-ji. Was it only last month? The days seem to fly by faster and faster as Matt's graduation approaches.

In May stately yellow irises frame the pond. They nod regally in the light breeze.

The cherry blossom crowds have vanished, leaving mostly artists and elderly types who sit on benches under shade trees gazing serenely at the peaceful vista. They break out in smiles when the enchanting American toddler scuffles across the gravel, celebrating her release from the confines of that stroller.

Maeve and her mother climb to the crest of the bridge. To a two-year old, this must feel like climbing Mt. Everest, or at least Mt. Fuji.

What do you see, Maeve? A giant carp? Someone is not willing to share her honey lemon donut hole with that big fish. Next time we will bring bread. Will there be a next time? Maeve is moving to Norfolk next month. Tidewater residents should be on the lookout for a tiny blonde wearing an Anpanman backpack.

Is it just my imagination or has the turtle population doubled since April? Someone pops another honey lemon donut hole in her mouth while pondering the reproductive habits of scaly creatures.

She finds humans considerably more fascinating than turtles, carp, and ducks. She ratchets the zoom feature to sneak a photo of this interesting foursome from across the pond but three of them are not fooled. They must have a late tee time today.

Enough nature for one day. How about some ramen and gyoza? Okay, but there doesn't seem to be any gyoza sauce on the table. Wait a second! What are the three ingredients Reiko uses to make her own gyoza sauce? Soy sauce, vinegar, and rayou. What's rayou? Some sort of chili-infused oil which I'm betting is in that bottle on the left. Dribble, dribble, drizzle, dip. Mmmmmmm.

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