Friday, July 23, 2010

The Fog Lifts

Whoosh!  Is that the Summer of 2010 flashing by?

The Ancient Mariner was home long enough to see his youngest son graduate, turn 18, climb Mt. Fuji, and learn to ride a bike. Now he is back on the Seven Seas, scanning the horizon for a tiny island that Dr. T and I have as yet been unable to locate in an atlas.

James and Emily took to Japan like armadillos to Texas asphalt. We ate our way up, down, and across the Miura Peninsula while Matt endured umpteen graduation rehearsals. Between meals we checked out a few shrines, temples, and the Yebisu Brewery. (With two Japanese brewery tours under her belt, Suzi is already talking about making a third trip to Japan next spring so we can hit the Asahi headquarters in Tokyo and Sapporo in Hokkaido. We're such a cultured family.)

Speaking of Suzi, Matt's devoted aunt brought the Best Graduation Gift Ever from all the cousins, uncles, and aunts:  a scrapbook holding letters and photographs of two Flat Stanleys and their pal Flat Arthur cavorting with Matt's cousins, uncles, and aunts. We all had quite a chuckle seeing Flat Stanley riding with the Border Patrol in Arizona, visiting Grandpa's favorite watering hole in Michigan, bouncing on a trampoline with Will, being devoured by David and Erin's dog, and painting an appropriately pious expression on his face when Uncle Tom and Aunt Betsy took him to church in Miami.  (Clever families are so much more fun than cultured ones.  One assumes.)

While Emily, James, and Suzi were recovering from jet lag, Kate was on bridesmaid duty in New Hampshire. She got to Japan in time to see her little brother meander to the podium at the Yokosuka Arts Theatre to introduce his class salutatorians.

 The slightly biased family members (plus Emily, a refreshingly agreeable young lady) agreed that the introduction was delivered with more poise and better diction than any other address that evening.  You can trust us on this as we're a rather critical -- whoops, I mean discerning -- audience.

Next:  Family Day in Kamakura

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