Friday, July 17, 2009

Another Move, Another Blog

Before I start blogging about Japan Redux, let me update you on the cats.

We found Delphina, 24, through a Pet Foster Care website. Delphina cannot take the cats until she moves to a pet-friendly apartment in August so we decided Minerva and CC should spend the next two weeks in a kennel. Mike settled on a place called -- prepare yourself -- Warm and Fuzzy Cat Boarding located between DC and Baltimore.

CC and Minerva are sharing a three-level pad (left) in the "Clubhouse." The blue blob behind the butterfly on the upper level is my nightgown which I am letting them borrow for three months so they will feel less abandoned. The owner/manager, a military spouse like me, told Mike she reads to the cats every night. Homeless people should have it so good. Seriously.

The Clubhouse is one of the mid-price options. Suites, which we did not consider for one second, cost the most. At left is the rustic "Camping Suite". Mike is sorry he didn't take this picture at a different angle to let you glimpse the little tent.

This is the Nautical Suite. "Welcome Aboard" is imprinted on the life preserver and there's an oar attached to the little bed.

This is a Girl Suite.

This is the Playroom. CC and Minerva will spend an hour in there every day, just the two of them, which comes as a relief to me because I'm pretty sure these Siamese cats would scare the remaining fur right off CC's back.

Do you see what I mean by "homeless people should have it so good"?

1 comment:

  1. It's okay, but it's not home. When do we get to go to Japan?



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