Sunday, September 4, 2011

Buzzing Off

You won't be hearing from me for a couple of weeks. After a four-day reunion with the Ancient Mariner, College Boy and I are jetting to the United States today. We'll be spending about ten days in Minneapolis where the Blonde Wonder is about halfway through a two-month assignment at the HUD branch office. While she's at work and College Boy is sawing logs, I'll be exploring the umpteen yarn and fabric shops in the area. Because, gosh, I sure do need more fabric and yarn.

Brother #3 and his lovely bride will rendezvous with us in Minneapolis and we'll take turns buying each other rounds and calling them belated birthday gifts. After I sober up, College Boy and I will try to find Bellingham, Washington and the student rental house for which we've been paying since August 1. Frankly, I think the kid should just stay in Japan this year and attend the University of Maryland extension, but he has pragmatically pointed out that he'll have to return to the United States for college next year so he might as well get it over with now.

Before I catch the shuttle to the airport, I want to show you how professional Japanese gardeners protect themselves from mosquitoes. The day I took these pictures the thermostat hit 95 degrees Fahrenheit.  Note that the gardeners are not showing much flesh.  They are wearing more clothes than my sister dons in the middle of a Michigan winter.

"Why are they wearing hole-y little pans on their hips?" I asked Ishii-san. "Is that smoke coming out of those holes?"

Ishii-san asked them if I could take a picture. When they saw how much those pans intrigued me, they offered to reveal the mosquito repellent coils smoldering inside.

How clever is that? I was thinking I'd buy a new pair of walking shoes in Minneapolis, but now I've decided to invest that money in a Japanese mosquito repellent pan when I get back here.

1 comment:

  1. Sure wish Matt was coming back to school here so we could spend those 10 days exploring fabric shops! Safe travels and good luck to Matt as he starts his second year of college.



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