Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sandy and James

Sandy is, indeed, my most organized sister-in-law but all of them share one or two glaring personality traits with my mother. Boys really do marry their mothers apparently.

It was James who forgot to take his coat on a seventh grade ski trip. He remembered his gloves all right, but gave them to a girl whose fingers were turning blue. To the best of my knowledge, James has not flirted with snow sports since that day but still enjoys rescuing the occasional damsel in distress. Or flirting with them.

So Deuce wins the Grand Prize which - soft touch that I am - will be whatever amount of Kirin Autumn brew (or nearest equivalent) I can cram legally into my suitcase next month.

A consolation prize has been created for the girl who nailed the aunt question but flunked the brother half of the test. And it's not like she was away at college when the incident took place, just totally wrapped up in tenth grade stuff, homework no doubt. We'll be giving her a roundtrip ticket to Japan so she can spend some quality time with her youngest brother, the one who spent his middle school years deploying computer soldiers over pixelated terrain that looked a lot like the Ardennes Forest. Too bad he wasn't into famous naval engagements like the Battle of the Coral Sea . . .


  1. I am honored to have won the contest. One jumbo can of autumn beer would be sufficient. I'm sure Sandy would enjoy a small box of choco-banana mushroom cookies. Now I really can't wait until Little Valky's wedding. Take care.

  2. Duly chastised, but happy about consolation prize. NOT TO MENTION the wedding! Yaay!

  3. Thanks for sharing that photo with the world. Funny, I had not seen that one before. I am looking through photos now so that I can exact my revenge to the fullest. It won't take long, since my photos are so well organized!!! >:)

  4. Roger, aye, about men marrying their mothers. Except mine was exceptionally well organized. Other traits, however....

  5. Did everyone notice that oblique reference to the Coral Sea? OPSEC Alert! OPSEC Alert!



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